If this is the first time you’re reading this, fear not, you can join in at anytime. Start with this one or go back to the beginning, it’s up to you. This year, we’re making 24 modern half-square triangle quilt blocks, and by the end of the year, you will not only have a beautiful sampler quilt, but you will have some well-honed HST making skills. If you need more information, you can find out more about:
- The QAL and fabric requirements
- Required and recommended tools
- Tips for HST accuracy
- Frequently Asked Questions
- The rest of the blocks!
This quilt along has been structured so that you slowly ease your way into half-square triangles. We started off with 4″ finished HSTs (4.5″ unfinished), and then conquered 3″ finished HSTs (3.5″ unfinished). This time, we’re back to making 4″ finished HSTs, but also adding in half-sized ones too that finish at 2″ (2.5″ unfinished)! We’re still using the same methods of making the half-square triangles – 2 at a time, 4 at a time, and 8 at a time – but now we’re making two different sizes within the same blocks. Today, we have a guest designer!
Hi, I’m Jess, otherwise known as Elven Garden Quilts. I’m the mum of three smallish people (11, 9 and 5) and I’m obsessed with all things quilty. I’m a scientist by training, but since having my youngest child I’ve discovered quilting and I’m now lucky enough to work in the textile industry. I work part time at a fabric shop, teach a huge variety of patchwork and quilting classes on a weekly basis, design for magazines and blog in between all these things.
You can also find me at:
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Introspection by Elven Garden Quilts
Fabric Requirements
Fabric A (Teal)
2 – 5.75” x 5.75” squares
2 – 5” x 5” squares
Background (Light Grey)
1 – 4.5” x 4.5” square
2 – 5.75” x 5.75” squares
2 – 5″ x 5” squares
Block finishes at 12.5” x 12.5”. Use a 1/4″ seam and press seams toward the darker print, or as directed. I chose to press all my seams open, as I find it is easier to get good points (and a flatter block) when pressing seams open.
Step 1. Use the 5.75” x 5.75” Fabric A and Background squares to make sixteen HSTs. Open the HSTs and press the seam open. Trim to 2.5” x 2.5” square.
Step 2. Use the 5” x 5” Fabric A and Background squares to make four HSTs. Open the HSTs and press the seam open. Trim to 4.5” x 4.5” square.
Step 3. Take four of the HST units from Step 1 and arrange them as shown below.
Step 4. Sew the HSTs into pairs.
Step 5. Sew the pairs together, to make a unit measuring 4.5” x 4.5” square.
Step 6. Arrange the units completed in Step 5, the HSTs from Step 2 and the remaining 4.5” x 4.5” background square as shown.
Step 7. Sew the block components into rows. Sew the rows together.
Step 8. Press the block, and trim to 12.5” square if necessary, keeping 1/4″ between the outer HST points and the edge of the block.
Alyce’s Block
Fabrics used from the Modern HST Sampler Kit:
Blueberry Park Navy Strand, Blueberry Park Fog Dotty Sunflowers
Blueberry Park Yarrow Rough Patch, Kona Oyster
I decided to make mine a little differently, as you can quite plainly see! I simply made 8 each of the navy and light blue, instead of 16 of one print. I really like how it looks a bit tribal with these colours and shapes!

I hope you have fun making Rockpool! You can share them on Instagram using #modernHSTsampler (and feel free to tag me too – @blossomheartquilts!), or in the Blossom Heart Quilts group on Facebook, or even link them up to Sew Cute Tuesday. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask in the comments.
Click here for all the Modern HST Sampler quilt block tutorials
Margaret (margiestitcher) says
many thanks this is the first QAL I have managed to keep up with others I am way behind on but hopefully will finish one day!
Susan says
Thank you! I suddenly find myself a couple behind again. I must make a day to do them this week.
Judith Blinkenberg says
I love your block. Can I ask, is each block 4.5 x 4.5 and then put together as a nine patch? To make your block example I want to use the separate colors. I’m a little late putting this one together as we have been traveling. Thank you.
Alyce says
Yes, each “unit” is 4.5″ square 🙂