It’s been so much fun quilting along with you all this year, and it’s been so inspiring seeing you conquer half-square triangles! So I had a good hard think about what we should conquer next, and decided upon foundation paper piecing. When you have foundation paper piecing up your sleeve, it opens a whole new world of quilting. So I’m very excited to announce that next year we’ll be quilting our way through the Milky Way Sampler!
Milky Way is a paper pieced sampler, and just like with the half-square triangle blocks, we’re starting with easy blocks, and working our way towards slightly more complicated blocks (but still not that complicated, I promise). They’re 10″ finished blocks, although the magic of foundation paper piecing means that if you desired, you could make them smaller or larger… But that’s a topic for another day.
Now, before you freak out at the idea of foundation paper piecing, let me tell you that you’ve got this. You truly do. If you can sew, you can do this. Why? Because you literally sew along a line on a piece of paper. It really is that simple. While I will be walking you through it step-by-step, if you’re wanting to get a head start on the technique, I can very highly recommend Start Foundation Paper Piecing by Elizabeth Dackson. It’s an online video class through Craftsy that I’ve watched myself, and even picked up a trick or two myself that’s actually helped me to improve my paper pieced patterns too.
How it works
This quilt along is a little bit different from the past two years. For starters, there’s 12 blocks this year (one block per month). That’s a more manageable pace for us all! And clearly, the block patterns aren’t a surprise. As for how to get the patterns…
On the first of each month, I’ll be sharing that month’s block right here on the blog, and sharing any particular tips or tricks to remember. The month’s pattern will be available to download for free from Craftsy for that month. On the first of the next month it will still be available but for a small price, and the next month’s block will then be available as a free download. So you will have a whole month to download the block before it becomes a paid pattern.
Note – this will all be in my Australian timezone, which means that those who aren’t as close to the international dateline as us here Down Under will need to make sure they download it well before the end of their month. On the morning of the 1st of every month according to the time here in Melbourne, I’ll be changing the patterns over.
Alternatively, if you would rather have all the patterns at once, you can purchase them as a bundle right now in my Craftsy store! The bundle includes a bonus 13th block – the rainbow star in the middle. This bundle will always be available and at $9.95 that’s over 60% off what buying each one individually will cost. Plus it includes the finishing instructions for this quilt top! Chock full of value!
Structuring it like this simply allows me to keep running these quilt alongs. Doing a whole pattern every month (or fortnight, like this year!) is a lot of work, and this goes towards covering it. Thank you so much for your support!
Let’s talk fabric
If it’s not clear already, I’m planning on making mine in a rainbow, and pulling from my colour-ordered stash. Rainbow quilts aren’t something I tend to make, so I’m excited to try something different! As for how much fabric you need for this quilt, well, it’s tricky to say with paper piecing, as it depends on how you want to do this quilt. So I’ll just say that you should have a think about how you want to approach the quilt in terms of colour (monochromatic? solids? scrappy? a line of fabric?), and make a pull of fabric that inspires you. The smallest amount fabric you’ll need is a charm square, and you’ll want at least 2-3 prints per block to show off your piecing. You’ll also want at least 1 1/2 yards of background fabric, 2 1/2 yards if you’re doing the bundle version.
Each block’s pattern will include full cutting instructions. This means that I will provide the size of fabric you need to cut for each section of the pattern, and rest assured, they’re a generous size so that you have some wriggle space when putting the block together.
Get involved with the community
Sharing your progress with other QALers is half the fun of doing a quilt along! If you’re on Facebook, be sure to join the Blossom Heart Quilts group. On Instagram, we’ll be using #MilkyWaySampler to collate all our posts, and feel free to tag me too – I’m @blossomheartquilts. And if you have a blog, then here’s a button for you to use:

Who’s excited? I know I am! First post will be going up January 1st, who’s going to play along?! There is no official “sign up”, you just need to be following along somewhere so that you don’t miss the announcements. You can:
- sign up for my newsletter
- follow on Instagram – @blossomheartquilts
- join the BHQ Facebook group
- like my Facebook page
I’ll be announcing each month in each of those places!
This post contains affiliate links. All that means is if you make a purchase via the link, I get a small commission, at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!
Myra @ Busy Hands Quilts says
This sounds like a lot of fun! I’ve added the button to my blog. I love that center block. Will it be included with finishing instructions?
Alyce says
Thank you! I can’t wait for us to get going! The centre block is only available in the pattern bundle, which includes the finishing instructions for the quilt on the pattern cover.
amy says
Looks like fun! Never tried paper piecing, so this will be a new skill for the new year.
Alyce says
Yay! You’ll love the accuracy and shapes you can create!
trinda tungeitt says
how do I sign up?
Alyce says
Just hang out and wait for January 1st 🙂
Hilda says
I’m in!! Even though I’m not done with the #moderhstsampler, I want to do this. Thank you for these, I really enjoy sewing along to QALs.
Alyce says
My pleasure! I love having a reason to design something fun and interesting 😉
Maree Heron says
How do I order the bundle not that good on computer
Alyce says
No problem! You can buy it through Craftsy –
Hilary says
This is so beautiful!! Looking forward to it!
Alyce says
Thank you! I can’t wait to see it all made up in fabric!
kris jarchow says
Sounds like fun and actually looks pretty easy but hard if you know what I mean? easy if you break it down in to blocks each month but hard when you look at it as a whole and people will say how did you do that? 🙂
Alyce says
Yes, exactly!
andrea says
Lovely pattern. Would you be able to use pre cuts-Layer cakes and charm packs for this?
Alyce says
You could, yes. The larger segments would need to be from layer cake pieces, but the smaller segments would work with charm packs. Unless you’re very comfortable with foundation paper piecing and working with fabric, I’d say go for a layer cake.
Jodie says
Ooo, it’s pretty!
I’m in ☺
Alyce says
Yay! Going to make this one at 1/4 scale too?? 😉
Jodie says
That’d be 2.5 inch blocks – not sure I’m that crazy, we’ll see!
Alyce says
Jodie says
I’m printed and ready to roll – apparently I really am quite crazy 😉
Margaret (margiestitcher) says
best of luck to you all afraid will have to pass on this as I have a total mental block when it comes to paper piecing but will enjoy watching everyone`s progress
Alyce says
Aw! We’ll do our best to peer-pressure you into joining 😉
Ioleen says
I will join in. I’ve done paper piecing but one can always learn new tricks.
Alyce says
That and it’s always fun to make a new quilt 😉
Jenni Hunt says
Yay! Sounds like fun! I am in!
Alyce says
Cocopatch says
It’s great!!! love stars!
Alyce says
Thank you! Me too, haha!
Candi says
Great pick for the quilt along; I love it! This is going to be great – I’m so excited to get started. Thanks so much Alyce!
Alyce says
Yay, thanks Candi!
Laura says
I have tried PP numerous times and always gotten so screwed up, or done it completely backwards. So I am in. I want to master this and not be afraid any longer.
Alyce says
That’s the spirit!
Susan says
I really HATE the whole foundation paper piecing process. But I’m going to start with the first one and see what happens. I’m trusting your directions, and maybe you’ll change my mind. We’ll see. =)
Alyce says
We’re starting off very simply, with generous cutting instructions and very few seams!
Vera says
Looking good! Coloring page would be great to plan the complete layout 🙂
Alyce says
Good news! I just updated the pattern to include one!
Anja @ Anja Quilts says
I really don’t like paper piecing, but I love the pattern. So I’m going to play along. Guess it will force me out of my comfort zone.
Alyce says
Atta girl!
Janet says
Joining in the fun and will try to convince my sister who is a new quilter to join also. I love the accuracy of paper piecing! Thank you for sharing this with us! Almost done with modern hst sampler
Alyce says
Awesome! This truly is perfect for beginners, I promise 😉
Lisa Redmond says
I’m in. I’ve usually hated pulling of the papers at the end of paper piecing, but I’m willing to give it a go to make a beautiful quilt. 😆 I’m thinking of doubling the size to make it a quilt for my bed. It’s a good way to use my fabric stash resources. Or maybe I’ll do something different like make it in solids or use stripes…
Alyce says
Oh but it’s so cathartic to gently peel it all off!
Marion says
Wanted to buytheCraftsy pattern (already have an account) to get the thirteenth block. However, never have any luck with Penpal no matter what I try – very frustrating. Usually pay by credit card but there was not an option. Oh dear.
Alyce says
That’s so strange! Definitely sounds like a Craftsy/PayPal problem, so you’d need to talk to them about it.
elsa says
Okay ~ couldn’t wait and am printing as I type! It’s a great pattern and love that I’m supporting you to continue on! Thanks for the great price!
Alyce says
Thank YOU so much, Elsa! I really appreciate it 🙂
Myra @ Busy Hands Quilts says
I have added your QAL to the 2017 QAL Link party on my blog:
Alyce says
Thank you so much!
Cathy Fields says
This looks like a fun project for the Dallas Modern Quilt Guild. We are going to discuss this project at our Board meeting tonight. I hope we get several to join the group. Thank you!! – Cathy Fields: VP of Activities – Dallas Modern Quilt Guild
Alyce says
Oh how wonderful! What a great idea 🙂