There was some very exciting news in my Reader this morning…

It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of the Fat Quarter Shop’s Designer Mystery Block of the Month, and I’ve just signed up for the next one! Yes, we’re only up to Block 7 of the current BOM, and yes I’m still halfway through Block 5, but when it’s only $4.99 to sign up, and $15.99 (for us international peeps – less if you’re Canadian or USAer) each month including postage to get pretty fabric and a neat pattern in the letter box each month… I want that to continue!!
My absolute favouritest part is just how much fabric you get sent. I’ve mentioned that before, I’ll mention it again. And when you reuse the prints you already have, you end up with a nice little pile of fabric! I’ll admit that Avalon wouldn’t have been on my fabric wishlist, but I do love the sneak peeks over at the Jolly Jabber, and it is actually similar in colour to Vintage Modern. Each block finishes at 12″ and will be an easy to intermediate pieced block, meaning no templates, applique or paper piecing. Just like the current one. Hmm, maybe I could even combine all the blocks together to make one giant quilt… or am I nuts?! We’ll see.
If you’re up for it, I think we need a Flickr support group – a BOM QAL if you will! Let me know if you’re keen!
Holli says
I saw the BOM in my reader this morning, too, Alyce. It seemed like such a good deal and pretty fabric, but I’ve already joined so many things (and haven’t even started the “everyone-is-doing-it” scrappy trip around the world) so I told myself no. Until your post . . . Signing up! I’d be up for a Flickr support group, too!
I love this fabric, I have had alot of fun with it, I still owe you a pic of my finished ornamental quilt..its gorgeous..but before I do this, I want to get some Japanese fabric from you..
MsMidge says
I’m signing up – so will be up for any sort of support! lol