It’s May, and that means the Modern Blocks QAL is beginning! This month we’re making Follow The Leader – you can find the tutorial over at And Sew We Craft today!
May- Follow The Leader with And Sew We Craft
June- Spool with The Crafty Mummy
July- Megan’s Star with Anorina of Samelia’s Mum
August- Quatrefoil with Alyce of Blossom Heart Quilts
September- Escalator with Cate of Life Behind the Purple Door
October- Best Friends with Anorina of Samelias Mum
November- Pogo Stick with Ros of Sew Delicious
December- Crosswalk with Amy of Actually Amy
January- Everything Equal with Alyce of Blossom Heart Quilts
February- Parisian Star with Tonya of Crafty Mummy
March- Binary with Cate of Life Behind the Purple Door
April- Stacked Squares with Ros of Sew Delicious
Each month, we will be sharing a tutorial for the block as well as hosting a linky open all month for you to link up your blocks. There will be prizes each month for some lucky linker-upper-ers too! Here’s my block:
I’ve been re-listening to some of the free QuiltCon 2013 lectures on Craftsy, particularly Amy Butler’s talk about colour. Instead of sticking to favourite lines of fabric or “safe” colour palettes that have been well-tried throughout the blogosphere, I’m trying to mix it up a bit and play with a different palette for each project. For this quilt, I’ve pulled a stack of green, pink, yellow and purple, and have tried to get a range of saturation. For this block, I’ve placed the lighter values in the middle, with the darker values on the outside.
Other WIPs:
– I promised a friend to make her a bag from the same fabric as Jonathan’s preschool bags, but I’ll be using the non-pre-quilted fabric, so I’m brushing up on my drawstring bag making skills thanks to Kristin of Sew, Mama, Sew’s free mini class on Craftsy.
– I’m hoping to tackle another Good Fortune block of quilting this afternoon during naptime. No English classes today as it’s Golden Week here in Japan, so I have a bonus afternoon for quilting!
Linking up to Freshly Pieced!
Actually Amy says
Looks great Alyce!
Kirsty@MummytoFive says
How how I wish I could quilt!! Looks like so much fun!!
Tina Gray says
I’m with Kirsty. I wish I could quilt. But I’m happy to support small business and buy them 😉
Gina says
Love those happy colors! Great job mixing it up!,
Roslyn@Sew Delicious says
Looks great! I have also gone out of my comfort zone with the QAL – I’m using mainly solids and only one print. I just want to try something that will give a really modern look. Hope it works out!
Anorina (Samelias Mum) says
I love your block Alyce! Looks fresh and fun x
Lorna McMahon says
I’ve always liked the flying geese… And yours are very pretty, Alyce! Thanks for sharing!
Joke says
This looks like a great QAL! I might have to give it a go!!
MsMidge says
Cute block! Wish I had time for another QAL! lol
Carla says
I love this setting of geese!
Renee says
How fun! Love your geese block!
Leigh Anne says
Your geese look great! I wish I could get up the courage to tackle some, I always love how they look
Flying Blind... says
Lovely geese my dear xx
Nati says
It looks adorable!
LisaW says
Your square looks fab Alyce! Love the mix of colours.
How does this work? After all 12 squares are completed, do you then sew them together for one big quilt?
BaublesBubblesBags says
Wished I had the patience to sew – again! Love the colours you’ve picked so far! 🙂